An electrical circuit is a path or line through which an electrical current flows.
Think about your circuit, what you want to do. Do not forget about switch and battery, where and how you want to put them.
Some examples of circuits.
Prepare all materials: paper, copper tape, LED lamp, battery.
First step is to draw on paper your circuit.
Stick copper tape to the paper according to your scheme. You can do it in two ways: as one continuous line (just bent the tape) or you can cut the tape to make it look more accurate, but in this case you will need to solder all part.
If you use first method it will look as on this photo with very simple electric circuit.
For my second try I decided to cut tape to make it look nicer.
After putting tape to the paper I needed to solder lamps and joints of tape. Important: before soldering you have to go through security instructions. At first you need to heat your device. The one I used should be heated up to 400.
When it’s ready to use at first put tip of the soldering device to the place you want to connect. Then put there soldering metal. It will melt and join two part. At first I soldered copper tape and then LED lamps to tape. Remember that you have to place your lamps according to the electric flow otherwise your circuit will not work.
When soldering is ready, dont forget to turn off vacuum.
Place battery to your circuit and test it. In my work I used two lamps that is why I needed two batteries (or one more powerful). On the box with LEDs you can check how much power you need for each lamp and that is how you can calculate amount of batteries you need.